

本文作者 Nausheen.l Chen,联合创始人兼导演,深圳市怡水文化传播有限公司Zen & Zany Films。

COVID-19 has thrown all of us in marketing for a loop. To communicate or not to communicate? Should brands hold off on all marketing activities till business seems to be more stable? In times of constricted cash flow and limiting business expenses, marketing budgets often get the first stab of the proverbial cost-cutting knife. But is your brand short-sightedly decreasing marketing efforts and losing brand voice and strength in the process? 

新冠疫情着实让每一个企业陷入了营销的瓶颈。到底是要宣传还是需要三思而行? 品牌方是否应该推迟所有营销活动,等待业务恢复稳定? 在现金流紧缩和财政支出受限的时期,营销预算通常会首当其冲。然而,您的品牌是否在短期内减少了营销力度,并在此过程中失去了品牌的声音和影响力呢?


This research, posted by Ogilvy and done by Peter Field on “Marketing in a downturn” shows that if brands decrease their marketing spend, they stand a greater chance to losing their share of voice and share of market.

奥美(Ogilvy)发布了一项新研究-“营销低迷期”,由彼得·菲尔德(Peter Field)进行,结果表明:品牌方在减少营销支出的同时往往更容易失去品牌在市场的声音和地位。

The fact of the matter is really simple: your target audience is feeling as, or more vulnerable, as you. That means that they want to hear from you, as a company. 


What does it mean for your marketing and your brand message?


We feel that there is no need to stray from your brand personality, voice and message. If you are a tech brand, you don’t need to be the next BYD, turning your supply chain into mass mask production. But you do need to acknowledge that your audience is facing turmoils of their own: whether they are investors, distributors, partners, stakeholders or end consumers. And once you acknowledge it, as a brand, then that means you can be in a position to help alleviate their troubles using your own area of expertise.

您无需偏离您的品牌调性、声音和信息。 倘若您是一个科技品牌,您不用像比亚迪一样投入到口罩的大批量成产。你要面对的事实是:您的受众正焦躁不安:无论是投资人、分销商、合作伙伴、利益相关方还是终端消费者。 一旦您意识到这多方的担忧,便可以利用品牌的专注的领域来减轻他们的担忧。


Kantar China Insights reports that consumers in China reported spending up to 58% of their time during COVID-19 watching videos. This means that consumers have changed the ways in which they are consuming media. After COVID-19, a lot of consumers are likely to keep the habit of watching more video content. This means you have a unique opportunity, as a brand, to make your brand voice stronger during these times using video.

Kantar China Insights报告称,中国消费者在新冠期间花费多达58%的时间观看视频。 这意味着消费者已改变了他们的媒体消费方式。 在新冠逐渐稳定后,许多消费者会逐渐养成观看更多视频内容的习惯。 这意味着您作为品牌拥有了前所未有的机会 – 在这个特殊时期可以多利用视频来增强品牌的声音。

Gary V (serial entrepreneur and CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, servicing Fortune 500 clients) says: “We will be telling the stories of these past few months (during COVID-19) for the rest of our lives”.

Gary V(VaynerMedia连续创业者,CEO和联合创始人,为世界500强企业客户提供服务)表示:“我们将在余生讲讲新冠期间这几个月的故事”。

You, as a brand, have a story to tell. Now, more than ever. So tell your story through video to connect more strongly with your consumers.

Real question is: what kind of videos should you make to power your growth post COVID-19?



The key is to think beyond your product launch video. You probably have a marketing plan in place that you are hoping to get back on track. That will happen, but if you only think of executing your marketing plan pre-COVID-19, you are missing out on a golden opportunity to speak to your audience in new ways.

关键在于,除了产品宣传片之外,您还有其他什么想法? 您可能已经制定了一个营销计划,希望能重回正轨。 那会照常进行,但是如果您只考虑在新冠之前执行营销计划,那么您将错失以新的方式与受众交谈的机会。

Now is the time to create a strong voice for your brand, to stand apart from competition. So, in addition to your regular marketing videos, you should be, as a brand, looking into:

现在是时候为您的品牌树立强大的声音,使其在竞争中脱颖而出。 因此,除了常规的营销视频外,您作为一个品牌还应该研究:

· Sharing your brand story of how you are navigating COVID-19 and learning lessons: create short videos from you and your team on how you are coping so that others can learn and benefit.

  • 分享您如何应对新冠疫情以及教育类视频的品牌故事:为您和团队制作有关如何应对疫情的短视频,以便他人可从中学习和受益

    Livestreaming from your frontlines: do a live video from your factory visit to show how your assembly lines are doing. Create a video to showcase how you are testing your product at your office. Think of new ways to showcase your product as well as create value by sharing how you are working in interesting ways during COVID-19.

  • 一线实时直播:工厂参观实时演示视频,让你的客户了解装配流水线的运行情况。 或者可以制作您在办公室测试产品的演示视频。 可以考虑有趣的方式来展示您的产品,并分享您一些在新冠期间的工作方式,创造价值。

    Create partnerships: This is the best time to strike up new partnerships and collaborations with other brands and products. You can do exclusive video interviews with top thought leaders, or create online video content in partnership with bigger brands to elevate your voice.

  • 建立合作伙伴关系:这是与其他品牌和产品建立新合作伙伴关系的最佳时机。 您可以与顶尖思想领袖进行独家视频采访,也可以与更大的品牌合作创作在线视频内容,以提升您的品牌声音

    So how should you get started with creating video content that advances your brand goals and drives growth?


Step 1: Formulate your goals and understand your audience.


What do you want your audience to believe after watching this video? Start at the end. Picture the idea scenario: your audience believes EXACTLY what you want them to believe about you. But what is that? That you’re a great company that delivers excellent products? We usually don’t believe vague, general statements. Think specific.

您希望受众观看视频后有哪些想法? 从头开始。设想下:您的受众将相信您所传递出的理念。但那是什么理念?您能提供出色产品,并且公司很有实力? 我们通常不会听信这种含糊的一般性陈述。思考具体点的。

For example, you’ve seen how Alibaba or BYD have stepped up during COVID-19 times: you probably believe that these are companies that care about their employees and also believe in adapting their own tech for the betterment of humanity. You don’t need to do the same: this is just an example of how these companies have created media to make you believe certain things about them.


The trick is to see how your company has been doing something differently during COVID-19, or how you are adapting to the current situation, or how you can offer a solution to any of the problems that the current situation poses. And then imagine what you want the audience to remember about your solution. That’s your key message.


Step 2: Develop a multi-platform approach:


Think of all the different platforms that your video can be published on: this helps you choose between different formats: for example, you can livestream on different international and Chinese platforms, and this format is very different from creating scripted videos. On your website or your company’s Linkedin page, though, you will want a more polished, shorter content instead of long livestreams.


Once you start thinking about the different platforms that your video can be used, you will realize how you have almost an infinite number of choices: if you make the right kind of video, you can also edit out different chunks of the same longer piece to use on different platforms. For example, if you create a review with an influencer, you can use parts of the review in blog posts on your website. Then you can link the blog post on your Linkedin page. And use snippets of the influencer review on your Douyin/TikTok and Instagram.

一旦开始考虑可以使用视频的不同平台,您将意识到几乎有无穷的选择:如果您制作正确的视频,还可以将同一段较长的视频切分成不同的部分展示在不同的平台。 例如,如果您制作了一个和网红合作的测评,则可以利用测评视频剪辑出不同的部分发布在网站的博客中。 接下来,您可以在企业领英页面上链接博客文章, 同时在您的抖音 / TikTok和Instagram(国外流行的社交媒体平台)上引用网红测评的摘要。

Step 3: Decide on the format of the video:


Understand what tools you may have at your disposal to visualize your brand story:


•Promo video with actors or real consumers using your product or service

•Explainer video with motion graphics to show how your product or service works

•Videos of your product or service being used in a live environment (user generated content)

•Client or user testimonials

•Corporate video: showing your brand’s history, how it started, milestone achievements

•Interviews with founders/designers

•Cultural video: show your team working, “Behind the scenes” photos and videos

•Case studies of your clients or consumers









Each of these formats is suitable for certain platforms. Some formats lend themselves easily to an episodic nature – e.g. The life of a Google employee – while some work best as standalone pieces – e.g. corporate videos.

这些内容形式均适用于特定的平台。 有些内容形式具备情节特点 – 例如“谷歌员工的生活”。而有些内容形式需要完整的脚本 – 例如“企业宣传片”。

Step 4: Create your story/develop the script:

This is where things get interesting.


You know your audience, you understand their needs. Now it’s time to link their needs with what your product or service offers. The real challenge in showing audiences how your product fits into their life, how it simplifies their life, makes it better, makes them who they want to be. It sounds simple but if it’s not well done, it could come across as unimpressionable, unauthentic and even dishonest.


Make sure you pay attention to your tone and style: Most consumers want to see honest, friendly and helpful brands. They want authenticity, realness. If you can crack how to show the audience not just beautiful images, but images that they can relate to – videos that they can see themselves in, you’ve won your audience’s hearts.

留意您的语调和风格:大多数消费者希望看到真诚、友好、有用的品牌。 他们希望看到的是真实。 如果您能破解这一点,向受众展示能与之共鸣的图像,而不是华而不实的内容,通过类似的视频内容方向让他们可以看到自己身临其境,那么您就赢得了受众的青睐。

Step 5: Execute the video project:


Now you have to understand how you would like to execute the project: you have two choices – handling the video in-house or hiring an external resource to create the videos for you. The decision that you make will be influenced by how much budget and time you have. If you have a lot of time and not a lot of budget, you can try to create these videos in-house, especially if someone on your staff knows or is willing to learn how to develop videos. But if you don’t have a lot of time or access to in-house resources, consider hiring a production company that can help you strengthen and execute your vision. Your brand will benefit from the specialized expertise of a video company who knows what they’re doing and have experience helping brands grow.

现在,您必须了解如何执行该项目:您有两种选择-内部处理视频或雇用外部资源。 您做出的决定将受到预算和时间的影响。 如果您有很多时间但预算不多,尤其是当您的员工了解或愿意学习如何制作视频时,则可以尝试在内部制作视频。 但是,如果您没有太多时间或无法使用内部资源,请考虑雇用一家可以帮助您实现愿景的专业制片公司。 您的品牌将受益于视频公司的专业知识,他们知道自己在做什么,并且具有帮助品牌成长的经验。

This is an extraordinary time for marketing and branding. You, as a brand, need to find your voice in the media chaos: this will enable you to step back and understand better who your brand persona really is, and how to communicate it to your target audience.

这是营销和品牌推广的非常时期。 作为一个品牌,您需要在媒体混乱中找到自己的声音:这将使您能够退后一步,更好地了解自己的品牌调性,以及如何将其传达给目标受众。

Video is driving growth for brands, period. Get in on the game to power through and beyond COVID-19.

视频正在不断推动品牌的增长。 投入到这个“游戏”当中,充分利用这个特殊时期的机会并实现超越。


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