1、非诚勿扰的开场曲《can you feel it》,让现场观众沸腾了!
2、《Can you feel it》是Jean Roch演唱的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《Summer Electrohits》中。这首歌曲曾在江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》用作男嘉宾出场的背景音乐,受到更多人的关注,但是伴奏和1976年电影洛基的final bell一曲惊人相似。
Ladies gentlemanand
The time is here
The time is now
All over the world
Paris, Saint Tropez
Everyone on holiyday
Put your drinks in the air
This time
Jean Roch
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Jean Roch says
Can you Feel it
Jean Roch says
Can you Feel it
Jean Roch says
Can you feel it, feel it , feel it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Yeah!Come on
I can feel my heart, my energy
And I doubt my fire bombs
And men you're just like beach
And everyone about
Understand with his cry, happy end
Featuring a man who comes back flames
Hand of God, all the power loveof
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Everynight I know I feel the pain
Everyday you know I don't lose the game
Cause you don't look all I have in my mind
I can feel the glory in my dreams
In my life, I just see you and me
Together, we can be so strong
Get your hands up, everybody
Get your hands up, everybody
Can you feel itCan you feel it
Can you feel itCan you feel it
Let's Go
you Feel Can it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
Can you Feel it
非诚勿扰 – 开场曲 – 吹牛 B 了 – 群星 – QQ音乐.QQ音乐. [2022-01-11]
Q1: 《非诚勿扰》开头曲是哪首歌啊?
A1: 哎哟,这你可问对人了!《非诚勿扰》的开头曲超经典的,叫《Can You Feel It》,每次节目一开始,这音乐一响,感觉整个人都精神了!
Q2: 《非诚勿扰》的出场音乐是啥?
A2: 哈哈,这出场音乐也是很有Feel的!用的是《Try》,每次嘉宾出场,配上这音乐,感觉就像是走上了星光大道,特别有范儿!
Q3: 《非诚勿扰》开头曲和出场音乐有啥区别吗?
A3: 当然有啦!开头曲《Can You Feel It》比较激昂,一下就把气氛带起来了;而出场音乐《Try》则更温柔一些,给人一种期待和浪漫的感觉,两首歌风格不同,但都超好听!
Q4: 这些音乐哪里能听到啊?
A4: 哎呀,现在听歌多方便啊!你可以在网易云音乐、QQ音乐或者酷狗音乐上搜一下《非诚勿扰》的相关歌单,这些音乐都在里面,随时听随时嗨!